ZFS Backup Tool Part 1

Written by: Robert R. Russell on Tuesday, August 4, 2020.

I haven’t seen a lot of tools that are designed to backup ZFS snapshots to removable media. So, I am writing my own. I am going to document the process here.

The basic loop for a backup tool is

  1. Read a list of snapshots on the source.
  2. Read a list of snapshots on the destination.
  3. Find the list of snapshots on the source that are not on the destination. These are the non backed up snapshots.
  4. Find the list of snapshots on the destination that are not on the source. These are the aged out snapshots.
  5. Copy all non backed up snapshots to the destination, preferably one at a time to make recovery from IO failure easier.
  6. Remove the aged out snapshots.

I am designing this tool to only backup snapshots taken by zfs-auto-snapshot. These are named <pool|filesystem>@zfs-auto-snap_<time interval>-<year>-<month>-<day>-<hour><minute>. The command zfs -Hrt snapshot <source poolname> will generate a list of all snapshots in a pool in a machine parseable format.

Issuing the command zfs send -ci <old snapshot> <pool|filesystem>@<new snapshot> will send an incremental snapshot from old to new to the commands standard output. I can estimate the amount of data to be transferred by replacing -ci with -cpvni in the zfs send command.

Issuing the command zfs receive -u <backup location> will store a snapshot from its standard input to the backup location.

Snapshots are removed by zfs destroy -d <pool|filesystem>@<snapshot name>. The snapshot name is the portion of the snapshot pattern mentioned above after the @ symbol.

©2020 Robert R. Russell — All rights reserved

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ZFS Backup Tool Part 2